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"E" Ministries

Embrace Ministry

Connecting at CCC is all about nurturing personal relationships.

We believe that establishing a personal relationship with Christ is essential to growing a healthy relationship with each other.  This is why we have invested many resources in understanding and capturing what it means to nurture genuine and God-focused relationships.

The membership-related ministries listed below are not only focused on growing healthy relationships with new members, but also on maintaining established relationships with seasoned members.

Hospitality and Food Service
Contact: Sis. Sandra Bedford

Contact: TBD

Care & Visitation
Contact: Min. David and Sylvia Cunningham

Engage Ministry

Christian Education

Our Christian education staff is exceptionally blessed in both the understanding and teaching of God's Word.  They employ innovative teaching skills and proven presentation techniques to help new Christians quickly and thoroughly grasp biblical truths for beginning a life with Christ.  Additionally, the Christian education staff provides various comprehensive studies of God’s word for continuing Christian maturity.  All teaching materials are designed to be informational, inspirational, age-appropriate, and transformational.
We offer opportunities (different venues and date/time slots) for joining on-going study sessions or formal classes.  Some of our courses, such as our mid-week Bible Study, are also available.  Weekly classes such as Family Church School (Sunday School) are available online as well.  Classroom only sessions include:
Contact: Dea. Will Dean or Sis. Betty Moore
Family Church School
Contact: Dea. Donald Poole Sr.
New Believers and Baptism
Contact: Sis. Elaine Parker
Small Groups
Contact: Sis. Beth Compton

Express Ministry

Moving People Forward in Faith

The goal of everything we do at CCC is to “Move People Forward in Faith”. While providing a variety of ministries at CCC, we first strive to identify your calling for service and then match your giftedness to operate in that service. We do more than just assign people to where they desire to serve; we also ensure they are prepared to serve by confirming their calling, evaluating their giftedness, and then providing them with the proper training and resources needed.
At CCC, we endeavor to achieve excellence in every aspect of our service.
The following is a brief listing of areas available for you to serve.
Contact: Min. Donald Young
Health and Wellness
Contact: Sis. Carolyn Poole
Contact: Bro. David Crudup
Senior Saints
Contact: Bro. Clarence Lee
Contact: Bro. Arlington Callies
Contact: Sis. Ivory Grant

Threads of Love
Contact: Sis. Karen Leufroy

Exhalt Ministry

Exalt Mission Statement

Facilitate a Worship Experience (atmosphere) that ministers to God and His people, so that those who attend in-person and online are drawn to Jesus by to the love and Spirit of God that is working in us.
Music Mission Statement
To develop members who promote unity, live a life that pleases God, and set a spiritual tone and tempo for worship that prepares the hearts of God's people to receive His Word.
Minister of Music: Min. Robert Webb
Usher Mission Statement
Exercise our gift of service to ensure guests and members are comfortable and ready to receive the Word of the Lord.
Contact: Bro. Robert Woodfork
Greeters Mission Statement
Demonstrate Christ-like love and enthusiasm so each guest feels like Covenant Community Church is home, whether they are members or not.
Contact: Sis. Danell Dean or Sis. Ethel Woodfork
Parking Mission Statement
Welcome everyone with a genuine smile and wave offering so attendees feel the love of Jesus before passing through the church doors.
Contact: Dea. Daryl Parker
Multimedia Mission Statement
Connect people with Jesus by capturing and sharing the sights and sounds of God's love in action.
Contact: Sis. Teresa Hall
Welcome Mission Statement
Welcome others as Christ has welcomed us.
Contact: Sis. Aramis Parker

Equip Ministry

CCC’s “sharing” impact starts with our friends and family

CCC’s “sharing” impact starts with our friends and family, but also extends outside our local walls.  We have a committed history of demonstrating the love of Christ and missions supports through strategic giving, hands-on mission teams, and mission ministry partnerships.  We send and support missionaries, at home, abroad, and on extended and short term missions.  Our local teams have fed the homeless, partnered with others in outreach, and we’re are just getting started.
In the coming years, CCC will continue to focus on resourcing churches around the world.  We believe that support of the world church is within realistic reach of taking the gospel to every people group.  It is our desire to be on the front edge of finishing the “Great Commission”.

Nursing Home Ministry
Contact: Bro. Randal Glover
Church Planting Association
Contact: Dea. Daryl Parker
Evangelism Outreach
Contact: Min. Anthony Parnell

"E" Champions


Deacon Joseph Collins, Embrace Champion


Deacon Roderick Scott, Engage Champion


Deacon Will Dean, Express Champion


Dr. Cedrick Stubblefield, Exalt Champion


Bro. Linwood Bradley, Equip Champion